Should I Do Continuing the Legend


Legend Quest (レジェンドクエスト, Rejendo Kuesuto, Legend Quest) is an event added in the Version 8.6 Update. It is one of the few sources of Legend Catseyes.


Legend Quest is a map somewhat similar to Heavenly Tower, with 48 stages known as LEVELs. Each LEVEL is a random Stories of Legend stage that provides a random lineup. All LEVELs are No Continues, and exiting a battle within 10 seconds will not refund items, crowns or energy.

Play Requirements

Stage Clear Requirements

Legend Quest is unlocked after clearing the first chapter of Empire of Cats. To play LEVEL x, the player must first beat Stories of Legend sub-chapter x + 1. For example, in order to play LEVEL 4 of Legend Quest, the player will need to have beaten Stories of Legend sub-chapter 5, Risqué Terrain. From LEVEL 11 onward, there is an added requirement of having a User Rank of 1600 or more.

Cost Requirements

In addition to energy, the LEVELs require Crowns to access. The player will begin with a set amount of Crowns, which is equal to the number of Stories of Legend Crown difficulties they have cleared. Crowns obtained from Uncanny Legends do not count here.

A Crown

The maximum number of Crowns that the player can have is 196. Crowns spent in Legend Quest do not impact the player's progress in Stories of Legend. Unlike Energy, they do not regenerate over time. However, they are restored every time Legend Quest appears. Every time the player retries a LEVEL, the Crown cost increases by 1, maxing out at 4 Crowns for LEVELs 1~40 and 5 Crowns for LEVELs 41~48.

Energy Costs

  • LEVELs 1~20 cost 50 energy.
  • LEVELs 21~40 cost 100 energy.
  • LEVELs 41~48 cost 150 energy.

Crown Costs

  • LEVELs 1~40 cost 1-4 Crowns.
  • LEVELs 41~48 cost 2-5 Crowns.


Stage Randomization

Legend Quest's LEVELs are randomized. Upon starting LEVEL x, the game will pick a random stage from Stories of Legend sub-chapter x to x + 1. For example, LEVEL 1 is a random stage from The Legend Begins or Passion Land. However, it is not completely random - LAST LEVEL (48) will always be Eldritch Forces, the final stage of Stories of Legend. Once a stage is picked, it will not change until the event's next appearance. Stages are on 1-Crown difficulty, and the Enemy Lookout can be used to see the enemies in a LEVEL before starting it.

Lineup Randomization

Legend Quest will change the player's lineup upon entering a LEVEL, but it will not be a complete change. Cats will be swapped with random other cats that the player has. The number of cats swapped is random. Unit forms are the same as those currently selected in the Upgrade Menu (i.e., if Cat is currently selected, its form will not be changed to Macho Cat or Mohawk Cat). Empty slots in a lineup will not be filled. The more the player attempts a LEVEL, the less likely it is for a cat to be swapped.

The chances of cat randomization by attempt number:

Total Attempts 10 Cats 9 Cats 8 Cats 7 Cats 6 Cats 5 Cats 4 Cats 3 Cats 2 Cats 1 Cats 0 Cats
1 / 30% 32% 14% 6% 6% 4% 4% 2% 2% /
2 / / / 27% 37% 16% 6% 6% 4% 4% /
3 / / / / / 25% 45% 18% 6% 6% /
4 / / / / / / / 40% 50% 10% /
5+ / / / / / / / / 32% 45% 23%


Legend Quest's item drops are always 100% and one-time only. The base XP drops are 950 in LEVELs 1-20, 1,900 in LEVELs 21~40, and 2,850 in LEVELs 41~48.

  • LEVELs 1~10: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 11: Random Catseye +3
  • LEVEL 12: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 13: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 14: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 15: Legend Catseye +1
  • LEVEL 16: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 17: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 18: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 19: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 20: Rare Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 21: Random Catseye +3
  • LEVEL 22: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 23: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 24: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 25: Legend Catseye +1
  • LEVEL 26: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 27: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 28: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 29: Random Battle Item +1
  • LEVEL 30: Rare Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 31: Random Catseye +3
  • LEVEL 32: Random Battle Item +2
  • LEVEL 33: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 34: Random Battle Item +2
  • LEVEL 35: Legend Catseye +1
  • LEVEL 36: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 37: Random Battle Item +2
  • LEVEL 38: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 39: Random Battle Item +2
  • LEVEL 40: Legend Catseye +1
  • LEVEL 41: Random Catseye +3
  • LEVEL 42: Random Power Up +2
  • LEVEL 43: Cat Ticket +1
  • LEVEL 44: Random Battle Item +3
  • LEVEL 45: Legend Catseye +1
  • LEVEL 46: Random Battle Item +3
  • LEVEL 47: Random Catseye +3
  • LAST LEVEL: Legend Catseye +3


  • Complete as many Stories of Legend Crown difficulties as possible. Once you get to around LEVEL 20, do not expect to beat the stages in in one try. Crown consumption easily racks up as you retry the stages. Having more Crowns means having more retries you can do.
  • Upgrade every Cat Unit you have that could potentially be helpful, especially the ones with generalist traits. It would be distasteful to receive Figure Skating Cats but at a low level.
  • Study Stories of Legend stages and your units. Knowing the stage mechanics allows you to know how to beat the stages even with random cats. Understanding the specification of a cat lets you to decide which random cats would help you and which would not.
  • Since the randomized stage will not change, you can heavily build a specific lineup to counter that stage for the next retry. When possible, bring multiple good counters. For example, if the stage is uncheesable and has Razorback, bring units such as Bombercat, Wargod Nobunaga and Cat Eastwood. This way, if one of them gets swapped, you might still have others to keep you going.
  • If you plan to use items to beat a level, wait until at least the 3rd retry to do so. Many levels are only beatable with a hard counter, and you are guaranteed to get at least 5 of your own cat picks on the 3rd retry.
  • If it isn't obvious how to beat a level, you can look it up in the corresponding stage.
  • Even if you know a run is doomed based on the randomly selected cats, it's still important to play it out, to get a feel for enemy timing. Occasionally, you'll be surprised and find it isn't always impossible.
  • Have fun! No matter how skilled or how knowledgeable you are, Legend Quest is still all about luck. Try not get stressed out with the wrong cats that get picked for you. Just laugh it off and continue fighting until you burn out or get lucky enough to beat this entire challenge.

First Appearance

English Version

  • October 7th, 2019 to October 21st, 2019

Japanese Version

  • July 25th, 2019 to August 8th, 2019



  • Prior to Version 10.7, Legend Quest used Stars instead of Crowns. Oddly, the tutorial shown when tapping the Crown icon wasn't updated to reflect this.
  • Legend Quest's logo is heavily based on Dragon Quest's.

See also

  • Heavenly Tower
  • Infernal Tower
  • Citadel
  • Gauntlet


Special Stages
Daily Stages
Normal Stages Monday Stage (Rich Cat) • Tuesday Stage (Speed Cat) • Wednesday Stage (Cat Jobs) • Thursday Stage (Sniper Cat) • Friday Stage (Helpful Cat) • Weekend Stage
Blitz Stages Monday Blitz Stage • Tuesday Blitz Stage• Wednesday Blitz Stage • Thursday Blitz Stage • Friday Blitz Stage
Guerrilla Stages
Cat Ticket Guerrilla Love, Metal Hippoe (Hard) • Super Metal Hippoe (Expert) • Steel Visage (Deadly) • Forged to Kill (Deadly)
XP Guerrilla XP Stage/Weekend Stage • XP Megablitz! • XP Colosseum • Merciless XP! • The Proving Grounds (First Round (Easy) • First Round (Expert) • First Round (Deadly)) • XP Bonanza! (Imp's Temptation • Demon's Temptation • Archfiend's Temptation)
Catfruit Guerrilla Growing Green (I • II • III) • Growing Purple (I • II • III) • Growing Red (I • II • III) • Growing Blue (I • II • III) • Growing Yellow (I • II • III) • Growing Strange (I • Red • Floating • Black • Angel • Alien • Metal • Zombie) • Growing Epic (I • II) • Growing Evil (I • II • III • IV) • Catfruit Jubilee • Catfruit Buffet
Behemoth Stones Hidden Forest of Gapra (The Strongest Behemoth) Ashvini Desert (Venomous Duck) Jinfore Volcano (Two Great Shadows)
Material Guerrilla Cavern of Comets (I • II • III) • Island of Ash (I • II • III) • Strait of Wings (I • II • III)
Enigma Guerrilla Isle of the Map Lord (I • II • III)
Cyclone Stages
Solo Fights Attack on R-Cyclone (Expert) • Attack on B-Cyclone (Expert) • Attack on W-Cyclone (Expert) • Oncoming Maelstrom (Expert) • Attack on Titanium (Insane) • Black Hole Rising (Insane) • Oncoming Storm (Insane) • Unholy Tempest (Insane) • The Wormhole Opens (Deadly) • Charybdis' Mouth (Merciless) • Wrath of Hell (Deadly)
Dual Fights Bad to Worse (Tragedy in Red (Insane) • Doom Paradise (Insane)) • Day of Judgement (Explosion in the Sky (Insane) • Acts of Cat-God (Insane)) • Techneurosis (Nuts 'n' Bolts (Expert) • Space is the Place (Insane))
Advent Stages
Solo Fights Tier 1 No Plan A (Deadly) • Realm of Carnage (Deadly) • Honey Trap (Deadly) • Parade of the Dead (Deadly) • N-1 Grand Prix (Deadly) • Bombergirl (Deadly) • Puffer Planet (Merciless) • Flow Like the Stream (Merciless) • Possessed by Evil (Merciless) • Aku Reincarnation (Merciless)
Tier 2 The Pure Land (Merciless) • Saintly Sister (Merciless) • I'll Be Bug (Merciless) • Dogsville (Merciless) • Last of the Dead (Merciless) • Baby Fake (Merciless)
Dual Fights The Angel & The Demon (No Plan A (Deadly) • Realm of Carnage (Deadly)) • The Queen & The Dead (Honey Trap (Deadly) • Parade of the Dead (Deadly)) • The King & The Maiden (N-1 Grand Prix (Deadly) • Bombergirl (Deadly)) • The Dead & The Bloated (Parade of the Dead (Deadly) • Puffer Planet (Merciless)) • The Queen & The Maiden (Honey Trap (Deadly) • Bombergirl (Deadly)) The King & The Angel (N-1 Grand Prix (Deadly) • No Plan A (Deadly))
Crazed Stages
Crazed Cats Dark Souls (Insane) • Absolute Defence (Insane) • Berserk (Insane) • Festival Gross (Insane) • Head Shaker (Insane) • Flappy Cat (Insane) • Fish Hell (Insane) • Mammals? (Insane) • Crazy Cats (Insane)
Manic Cats Deathhawk (Deadly) • Vulcanizer (Deadly) • Unjust War (Deadly) • Muscle Party (Deadly) • Lots O' Lion (Deadly) • Forest Beasts (Deadly) • Ogre Island (Deadly) • Draconian (Deadly) • Resident Feline (Deadly)
Clan of the Maniacs The Wild Dance (Deadly) • Insane Rhythms (Merciless)
Awakening Stages
Buyable Cats Actress Awakens • Kung-Fu Awakens • Mr. Awakens • Bondage Awakens • The Dom Awakens • Box Cats Awaken • Panties Awakens • Ninja Awakens • Zombie Awakens • Samurai Awakens • Sumo Awakens • Boogie Awakens • Skirt Awakens
Monthly Cats Adult Cat Awakes • Evil Cat Awakes • Doll Cats Awake • Maiden Awakes • Koi Awakens • Bride Awakens • Vacation Awakes • Vengeance Awakes • Kung-Fu X Awakens • Sports Day Awakens • Salaryman Awakes • Reindeer Fish Awakens
Li'l Cats Tiny Meows (Deadly) • Tiny Will (Deadly) • Tiny Chopper (Deadly) • Tiny Creeper (Deadly) • Tiny Horns (Deadly) • Tiny Wings (Deadly) • Tiny Fins (Deadly) • Tiny Tail (Deadly) • Tiny Fists (Deadly)
Cyclone Cats Crimson Vengeance • NEO Darkness Heaven • Peerless Too • Wrath of the Divine • Bitter Irony • Dimension of Delirium • Red Sky At Night • The Dead Keep Rolling • The 3rd Dimension
Advent Cats Clionel Dominant • River Acheron • Queen's Condemnation • Dead by Encore • King Wahwah's Return • A Deeper Dream • Courts of Agony
Other Cats Tricycle Awakens • Cat Kart Awakens • Flower Cat Awakens! • Nekondo Awakens • Catburger Awakens
Event All-Stars Stages
Special Thanks! (Insane) • Ultra Stress! (Insane) • Miracle Tactics! (Insane) • Wonderful Conquest (Insane) • Elite Corps (Insane) • Megaton Blast (Insane) • Presents of Mind (Insane)
Memorial Stages
Year's First Dawn • Happy Birthday (I • II • III) • Grats! 3 Years!! • Joy of 20 Million! • Joy of 30 Million! • Joy of 40 Million! • CAT DAY • Year of the Rat • Joy & Prosperity • Joy of 50 Million! • Joy of 60 Million! • Joy of 70 Million! • Golden Week Special!! • Joy of 60 Million! • Q1. Box of Contents Quiz • Q5. Time Luck Quiz • Happy Nyanko Festival
Region Restriction
Punchy Prizefighter • Secret Delicacy • Faster Than Fast Food • We're Number One • Cola Flavor Cat • Wafer Cat Advent
Unknown Schedule
Dark Descent I: Eastern Cave • II: Western Walk • III: Southern Fort • ∞: Northern Crater • Cover of Darkness
Seeing Red I: Sands of the East • II: Wastes of the West • III: Peaks of the South • ∞: Ruins of the North • 烈火の乱
Duel Stages Duel on the Prairie (Vanguard • Elite • Commander) • Duel at Sunset (Vanguard • Elite • Commander) • Duel Under the Stars (Vanguard • Elite • Commander) • Duel on the Dunes (Vanguard • Elite • Commander) • Duel at the Lava Fields (Vanguard • Elite • Commander) • Duel Under the Sea (Vanguard • Elite • Commander)
Tag Arena Rookie (Quarterfinals • Semifinals • Finals) • Beginner (Quarterfinals • Semifinals • Finals) • Adept (Quarterfinals • Semifinals • Finals) • Pro (Quarterfinals • Semifinals • Finals) • Expert (Quarterfinals • Semifinals • Finals)
Total Wars Spring Special (Basic • Standard • Advanced • Exalted • Supreme) • Summer Special (Basic • Standard • Advanced • Exalted • Supreme) • Fall Special (Basic • Standard • Advanced • Exalted • Supreme) • Winter Special (Basic • Standard • Advanced • Exalted • Supreme)
Deadly Carnival Tornado Carnival (Deadly) • Awakened Carnival (Deadly)
Deadly Carnival II Tornado Carnival II (Deadly) • Awakened Carnival II (Deadly)
Deadly Carnival III Tornado Carnival III (Deadly) • Awakened Carnival III (Deadly)
Heavenly Tower Floor 1 • Floor 2 • Floor 3 • Floor 4 • Floor 5 • Floor 6 • Floor 7 • Floor 8 • Floor 9 • Floor 10 • Floor 11 • Floor 12 • Floor 13 • Floor 14 • Floor 15 • Floor 16 • Floor 17 • Floor 18 • Floor 19 • Floor 20 • Floor 21 • Floor 22 • Floor 23 • Floor 24 • Floor 25 • Floor 26 • Floor 27 • Floor 28 • Floor 29 • Floor 30 • Floor 31 • Floor 32 • Floor 33 • Floor 34 • Floor 35 • Floor 36 • Floor 37 • Floor 38 • Floor 39 • Floor 40 • Floor 41 • Floor 42 • Floor 43 • Floor 44 • Floor 45 • Floor 46 • Floor 47 • Floor 48 • Floor 49 • Floor 50
Legend Quest LEVEL 1 - LAST LEVEL (randomized SoL stages & lineups)
Citadels Floor 1 • Floor 2 • Floor 3 • Floor 4 • Floor 5 • Floor 6 • Floor 7 • Floor 8 • Floor 9 • Top Floor
Infernal Tower Floor 1 • Floor 2 • Floor 3 • Floor 4 • Floor 5 • Floor 6 • Floor 7 • Floor 8 • Floor 9 • Floor 10 • Floor 11 • Floor 12 • Floor 13 • Floor 14 • Floor 15 • Floor 16 • Floor 17 • Floor 18 • Floor 19 • Floor 20 • Floor 21 • Floor 22 • Floor 23 • Floor 24 • Floor 25 • Floor 26 • Floor 27 • Floor 28 • Floor 29 • Floor 30 • Floor 31 • Floor 32 • Floor 33 • Floor 34 • Floor 35 • Floor 36 • Floor 37 • Floor 38 • Floor 39 • Floor 40
Gauntlet Stages
General Baron Seal Strikes Baron Seal Strikes: Red Alerts 1~20
Le'Grim Strikes Le'Grim Strikes: Rampage Lv1~20
Mega Menace Mega Menace: On Mighty Wings Lv1~20
Horrorpotamus Horrorpotamus: Cosmic Juggernaut Lv.1~20
Divine Archangel Strikes Divine Archangel Strikes: Blessing Lv.1~20
Big Peng Z Strikes Big Peng Z Strikes: Wandering Lv.1~20
Event A Colossal New Year! • A Colossal Valentine's • Suffering Spring! • Summer Break Cats • A Colossal New Year! (2021) • Festival Nyanko ~Chinese New Year Edition~ • Horde of Cats • Attack of the Lonely Hearts • Season 1: School Days • Monthly Event All-Stars Grateful Gathering • #01 The Ghost Chapel • Duel Stages Challenge • Tag Arena Challenge • Island of Hidden Treasure
Monthly January Gauntlet • January Gauntlet II • February Gauntlet • February Gauntlet II • March Gauntlet • March Gauntlet II • April Gauntlet • April Gauntlet II • May Gauntlet • May Gauntlet II • June Gauntlet • June Gauntlet II • July Gauntlet • July Gauntlet II • August Gauntlet • August Gauntlet II • September Gauntlet • September Gauntlet II • October Gauntlet • October Gauntlet II • November Gauntlet • November Gauntlet II • December Gauntlet • December Gauntlet II
Other Special Stages
The Battle Cats POP! Poppin' in 3D! • Fight your Friends! • Player VS Player • Pay Only Once! • No I-A-P! • Get Those Ubers • Conquer the Galaxy • But the App's Fun Too :)
Mystery Package Sender Unknown
BitSummit BCJP Only Held in Miyako Messe! (2016) • Held in Miyako Messe! (2017) • Held in Miyako Messe! (2018) • One more thing... (2018) • Held in Miyako Messe! (2019) • One more thing... (2019) • Held in Miyako Messe! (2022)
Crazed Moneko in JAPAN • in LONDON • in NEW YORK • in THE MOON
The Battle Cats Together! Play Battle Cats Together! • Team Up & Win! • Over 350 Cats! • Play All You Want! • Legend Stages Too! • Minigames Galore! • At the Nintendo eShop! • But the App's Fun Too :)
Most Defeated 2019 Surprising #5 • Not Uncommon #4 • As Expected #3 • Runner-Up #2 • Unbelievable #1 • Unseen in 2019
Most Appearances 2020 Congrats on #5 • #4 As Expected • Somehow #3 • #2 Out of Nowhere • #1 Thanks to You! • No New Appearances
Top 5 Most Seen Enemies, 2021! #5 Sliding • #4 Blushing • #3 That's Right • #2 Good Try • #1 Triple Crown • Unseen
Empress' Research Arcane Confluence • Servant of Darkness • Demon's Park • Wicked Cat • Wicked Tank • Wicked Axe
Empress' Report Empress' Report 1 • Empress' Report 2 • Empress' Report 3 • Empress' Report 4 • Empress' Report 5
Empress' Excavation Empress' Excavation 1 • Empress' Excavation 2 • Empress' Excavation 3
New Year's Bling Long-Awaited Gifts • Today Only: Sociable • Where's My Money, Mom? • Brotherly Income Gap • Increasing Sums • Gifting Burden • Grandpa's Lettering • No Gift This Year
From From Your Junior • From Your Senpai • From A Childhood Friend
Season 2: Heartbeat Festival No Sleep For Days • Cafe Coworkers • Hands on the Check • Miscalculated Bill • Day's End Chime • School Festival Cleanup
Season 3: Field Trip Long-Awaited Trip • Impulse Souvenir • Out-of-Season Bloom • The Great Pillow Fight • In-Flight Slumber • Sudden Call From Your Crush
Weekend: Confession Weekend: Confession • Weekend: Confession • Weekend: Confession
Season 4: Graduation Day Waiting at the Spot • Rising Heart Rate • She Actually Came?! • One Brave Step • Scattered Sakura • Moral Support • Unheard Confession • No Longer Single?
#02 ??? the 13th Foggy Lake Honeymoon • Crow Murder's Blessing • Dilapidated Cottage • Dying Embers • All Home Safe
#03 Yowling Village Hidden Village Honeymoon • No Reception Ahead • Post-Mortem Portrait • Creaking Tatami • Playtime with the Spirits • Dolly With a Fade • Life, Death, Hide, Seek • Salt by the Mouthful • The Pickling Well • Home Bearing Gifts
Bug Sumo Bug Sumo Preliminaries • Bug Sumo Quarterfinals • Bug Sumo Semifinals • Bug Sumo Finals


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